Crystal Shapes

125 products

Showing 97 - 120 of 125 products

Showing 97 - 120 of 125 products
Rose quartz crystal ballRose quartz crystal ball
Rose quartz crystal ball
Sale price$32.00
Blue Spot Jasper Crystal HeartBlue Spot Jasper Crystal Heart
Small Rose Quartz Crystal HeartSmall Rose Quartz Crystal Heart
Large Green Aventurine Crystal HeartLarge Green Aventurine Crystal Heart
Red Jasper Crystal Ball 60mmRed Jasper Crystal Ball 60mm
Red Jasper Crystal Ball 60mm
Sale price$34.00
Smoky Quartz Crystal Ball 60mmSmoky Quartz Crystal Ball 60mm
Red Glaucophane Crystal Ball 60mmRed Glaucophane Crystal Ball 60mm
Sodalite Crystal Ball 60mmSodalite Crystal Ball 60mm
Sodalite Crystal Ball 60mm
Sale price$36.00
Lepidolite Mica Crystal Ball 60mmLepidolite Mica Crystal Ball 60mm
Rhodonite Crystal PyramidRhodonite Crystal Pyramid
Rhodonite Crystal Pyramid
Sale price$9.00
Rose Quartz Crystal Merkaba 20mmRose Quartz Crystal Merkaba 20mm
Green Aventurine PyramidGreen Aventurine Pyramid
Green Aventurine Pyramid
Sale price$9.00
Moonstone Crystal Pyramid
Sale price$6.00
Opalite Crystal Merkaba 20mmOpalite Crystal Merkaba 20mm
Labradorite crystal pyramidLabradorite crystal pyramid
Labradorite crystal pyramid
Sale price$8.50
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Merkaba 20mmLapis Lazuli Crystal Merkaba 20mm
Clear Quartz PyramidClear Quartz Pyramid
Clear Quartz Pyramid
Sale price$9.00
Clear Quartz Large Orgone Chakra PyramidClear Quartz Large Orgone Chakra Pyramid
Moss Agate Crystal PyramidMoss Agate Crystal Pyramid
Moss Agate Crystal Pyramid
Sale price$9.00
Sodalite Crystal PyramidSodalite Crystal Pyramid
Sodalite Crystal Pyramid
Sale price$9.00
Blue Apatite Crystal PyramidBlue Apatite Crystal Pyramid
Amazonite Stone Crystal BallAmazonite Stone Crystal Ball
Amazonite Stone Crystal Ball
Sale price$34.50
Obsidian crystal pyramidObsidian crystal pyramid
Obsidian crystal pyramid
Sale price$9.00
Dalmatian Jasper Crystal PyramidDalmatian Jasper Crystal Pyramid

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