
We will never sell you a crystal under a false pretense. At ConnectCo, we work hard to ensure all our crystals are genuine and high quality.
The only exceptions will be for stones like opalite, which only exists as a man-made crystal or citrine, which is commonly heat-treated. We will make these exceptions clear in the item description.
We work with businesses all around the world to import our stone. Before working with any company, we do thorough research into how they opperate.
We make sure to only work with small, family run buisnesses, rather than larger corporations. We also work to ensure that their employees are treated well and fairly compensated.
While we cant always do this, we try our best to import stones directly from their origin country. This helps cut down on carbon emissions from transportation.

Nobody likes long waits and paying for shipping. We always offer a FREE shipping option, no matter the size of your order. Our shop also utilizes industry standard software to efficiantly fill orders and make sure every purchase is shipped within ONE business day!