Green Aventurine Double Terminated Crystals

Sale price$4.50


You will receive green aventurine double terminated crystals. These beautiful crystal points are fantastic for crystal grids, Reiki sessions, and Chakra Cleansing. They can also be used to make jewelry!

Crystal length ~ 4cm

Crystal width ~ 1cm

Green aventurine is a widely used stone, it is easy to work and has therefore been used to make carvings and beads for centuries. Green aventurine has a strong connection to the heart chakra, allowing you to be compassionate and empathetic to your fullest abilities. Green aventurine is also a stone that promotes confidence, and pushes you to try new things. Green aventurine is a stone to help you get the most out of life by allowing you to be open with others and yourself, and to be confident in what you do. 

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