Labradorite Double Terminated Crystals

Sale price$4.50


You will receive one double terminated piece of labradorite. These beautiful crystal points are fantastic for crystal grids, Reiki sessions, and Chakra Cleansing. They can also be used to make jewelry! Each item is hand-made, there will be a slight amount of variance in each crystal.

Crystal length ~ 4cm

Crystal width ~ 1cm

Labradorite is an absolutely magical stone and is perhaps our favorite here at ConnectCo. Are we allowed to pick favorites? Labradorite is known for its stunning “flash” or labradorescence. It shimmers with intense blues, sea green, yellow, red, or royal purple. Labradorite is a crystal for protection, a crystal for calming, and a crystal for magic. Labradorite stimulates the throat chakra, which can help if you struggle with communication. 


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