Raw Strawberry Quartz Rough Crystal

Size: Small
Sale price$5.10


You are purchasing one piece of raw Strawberry Quartz. Each large piece is about 2 inches long and weighs about 2-3 oz. Each small piece is about 1-1.5 inches long and weighs 1 oz. These beautiful pieces of rough Strawberry Quartz crystal are perfect for craft projects and work well for crystals grids or terrariums!

Strawberry quartz is a love stone, it helps you develop or grow your own self-love readying you to receive love from someone else. Strawberry quartz crystal also provides inner peace and calms anxieties. This too can be a boon in a relationship, especially if you know that you are prone to overthink things in a relationship or if seeing someone new causes you anxiety. Strawberry quartz can resemble rose quartz but is usually a darker, less delicate pink. 

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