Raw Yellow Jasper Rough Crystal

Size: Small
Sale price$5.20


You are purchasing one piece of raw Yellow Jasper. Each large piece is about 2 inches long and weighs about 2-3 oz. Each small piece is about 1-1.5 inches long and weighs 1 oz. These beautiful pieces of rough Yellow Jasper crystal are perfect for craft projects and work well for crystals grids or terrariums!

Yellow jasper is a cheerful and helpful crystal. Like all jaspers, yellow jasper is nurturing and possesses healing abilities. Yellow jasper increases intellect, and aids in intellectual pursuits by improving focus, mood, and allowing you to dig deep and persevere. Sunny yellow jasper also provides clear-mindedness, and increased perception. Yellow jasper crystals unblock your solar plexus chakra, improving self-esteem and self-image. 

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